Have Our Conservative Politicians and Pundits Lost Their Curiosity?

It is well and good for conservatives to criticize crucial decision making on the part of all elected politicians and non-elected agency directors but to fail to publicly consider the motives and intentionality of those decisions and the omissions of crucial information fails us all in very detrimental ways.

First of all, it is extremely important to be aware of what time it is. With so much less real time information, George Washington knew exactly what time it was just before he crossed the Delaware that night. Winston Churchill knew what time it was as he held back the Germans from overtaking London. John F Kennedy knew what time it was as he averted a nuclear war with Russia. The conservative media has completely lost their awareness of what time it is! They have been framing the Biden administration as being neglectful and inept. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Biden administration has actually been colluding with the global elites which have directed them on transforming the United States into a large and forceful globalism collaborative. They have been guiding this administration on all issues, national and international, step by step. It is impossible to result such major globalist goals with such great coordination and timing. We have been surrendering our borders, and now our military control over a notorious terrorist regime at the expense of our own citizens and all those that helped us in our military operations. Not only that, but we also completely enabled this terrorist regime to establish a military stronghold.

The time for criticism is over. The time for framing the Biden administration as merely being simplistic and inept is over. They are fare from simplistic and inept or inexperienced. Too many globalist goals are being achieved at warp speed within our borders and are affecting both aware and unaware people quite hard. It is now time to call out the unaware politicians, both moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans for their part in this whole mess. It is time to spell out the specific goals and ambitions of these extreme Marxists and describe to those that will be most affected, namely the poor and lower middle class who will be dependent on this government as children are on their own parents, the necessary trajectory of their future lifestyles, their social worth, and the lack of basic freedoms. It is time to describe to our younger generations how the Candyman is actually preying on their weaknesses. It is time to exercise our representative power and claim the legitimacy of our interpretation of the US Constitution. It is time to pull all the legal and peaceful stops. It is time to boycott the public educational system. It is time to demonstrate the extent of support for our new conservative political candidates. It is time to publicly demonstrate a conscious effort to support traditional family values by publicly pushing back on activist groups out to smear traditional marriage, traditional family, and religious freedom for Christians in public and in the workplace. It is time to call out the illogical and detrimental opportunistic use of crises to deny the individual their constitutional rights and freedoms. We must selectively and collectively boycott ‘woke’ corporations and use alternative means during periods of boycott. Our voices should be heard and counted through large scale petitions in our workplaces, our schools, and our local governments. There should even be petitions in our Christian churches if they support anti-biblical values.

Given the path of this administration’s decision making and the liberalization of federal and local government across the country, we now know that all these crises were deliberately created in order to coerce behaviors and promote trust and loyalty upon the liberal arm of this government. They could not have succeeded without the the indoctrination of our children, the persistent fearmongering about COVID, climate change, and the deceptive claim of systemic racism, the constant effort to artificially create opposing social groups to force behavior such as with vaccination, and between the police and African Americans in order to sabotage local control of policing. As I have stated before, their real goal is to defund the sheriffs across the country that were actually elected to protect the people against those who would infringe upon their constitutional rights, including the right to bear arms. The sheriffs of the United States are the only legal entity that stand between an overbearing government and the people, legally able to deputize any number of citizenry to accomplish that role. There has been a persistent and consistent effort on the part of the Obama and Biden administrations to weaken and eventually remove this protection. The conservative media has been totally AWOL on this!

The playbook of the elitists, which are actually in control, is to create an artificial crisis with a false narrative for the purpose of appealing to the emotions of the least aware of the public however illogical the prevailing claim is, whether it is about crime and race relations, poverty and economics, weather and earth science, or healthcare and safety.

Yes, the tragic and hasty pullout of our military from Afghanistan was planned and pre-conceived with no regard to the potential for loss of life, period. Our precious, trusting and heroic marines were thrust into a hostile arena with no intelligence gathering whatsoever. This deployment was made necessary to them only due to the intensity of the outcry from both political parties in the house and senate. All warnings by the CIA and the Pentagon well in advance of the capture of Kabul were totally were ignored and complete responsibility was placed on a totally commandeered president who could only answer to the loss of life by illogically affirming the need to pullout, never answering to the manner in which it was done. The VP again totally disavowed of the entire situation running from the press to Southeast Asia, even as the radical SOC totally misrepresents the reality of the mission. No one could have imagined the United States doing this unless they knew it was being controlled by elitists bent on discouraging us from ever intervening to stop the advancement of a rogue and hostile regime or terrorist organization. The global elitists hate that the United States acts to preserve the sovereignty of other nations and the defense of individual freedom. They are desperately trying to depreciate our sovereignty, our political capital, and our military capability. The conservative media has been totally AWOL on this too!

Yes, the irrational fearmongering amongst the unaware public around the world has now produced an opposition between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, giving the governments full control of the people’s healthcare decision making. It is true that the COVID virus was initially unleashed in an extremely high concentration or titer around the world and then gradually diluted itself through transmission across populations. Now the average titer of COVID is more natural and much lower. The elitists are elated that a majority of the public feel that they need a vaccine to protect them against a virus that is ever mutating and may never respond to it as effectively as it returns in its variant mutant forms. They are also elated that the same people will become less resistant to future strains than if they were not vaccinated. The more vaccines people get, the less chance their immune system has to learn about the actual viruses themselves in a gradual manner. The dirty little secret is that those who have acquired the COVID antibody naturally have a stronger, lifelong immunity to COVID 19 than those who are vaccinated! The elitists don’t want the world to know. They don’t want a large control group (the unvaccinated)to prove this to be true. Where is the conservative media on this? Most everyone with a normal immune system will not get dangerously ill upon infection with COVID 19 and its current variants. The problem is that due to a negligent lifestyle, some of our young people and many of our elderly do not have normal healthy immune systems. On the other hand, some immune systems are too sensitive and overreact to the virus causing worse than expected illness. The elitists have by design made sure that we would not be aware of the real statistics we would need to establish the real magnitude of the threat toward healthy individuals. They would rather have as many people fear for their lives as possible in order to accept the lack of certainty over the long term side effects of the vaccine. The elitists are in control of the data production, the data gathering, the data interpretation, and the clinical intervention. This is exactly what they want the entire population of the US to become used to and not question. The Faucis of our government simply justify their mandates for the common good of “safety”. As we have created a culture of “experts” who can securely assert night is day and day is night, the real research is totally neglected. In April of this year, the CDC claimed that the vaccines reduce transmission of COVID 19 based on animal research studies1. Just think about this please. If animals were sufficiently infected with the virus, they too would be getting severely ill and dying. The fact is that the animals studied did not have a sufficient viral load to become transmissible. But, as they well knew, animals are not able to carry enough virus to make any conclusions about transmissibility amongst humans. So where did this conclusion come from? Simple. It came from Fauci and his followers. Just last month, in August, there was a game changing research study in Wisconsin 2 done with actual people that proved that fully vaccinated people were just as transmissible as unvaccinated people. Yet they are all still claiming safety as the reason for mandated vaccination. They say that this is in order to create herd immunity. The dirty little secret is that natural immunity is much stronger and longer lasting. It is lifelong for most viruses. More importantly, the exercise of natural immunity preserves the ability of the immune system to fight off variants more effectively. This is immunology 101 already proven with the common cold. We have allowed politically empowered doctors to ignore and in many cases dispel the facts in order to coerce our behavior and become dependent on their next mandate. They have, in reality, been given total control of everyone’s related behaviors. This is a giant stepping stone to controlling healthcare decision making around the world. This is what they call achieving healthcare equity.

What about the safety of our healthcare staff who’s experience is dwindling daily by the exploding retirement rate. What about their long-term health value. What if they are overcome with serious side effects months or years after vaccination? What might the cost of their healthcare born upon the taxpayers be. How will their skills and dedication be replaced? There is a drug distribution study in Japan that was disclosed to a few researchers in Canada3 that showed that the mRNA is widely distributed throughout the body in hours after vaccination and that the resultant ‘spike’ protein it causes to be synthesized is actually toxic to endothelial cells with a large potential to cause bleeding and clotting problems in the lungs and brain. Very small clots are not necessarily detectable by normal methods of testing for clots (CAT scan). Only after they have produced significant occlusion can the results then be found. Without any investment into quality testing for this, actual vaccine related side effects will not be attributed to the vaccine. With all the coercion for supporting the use of mRNA vaccines it is very unlikely that the research will be done nor acknowledged if done independently.

Just as importantly, many workers are now facing a huge crisis of conscience as they sincerely believe they should not introduce any product into their bodies that were made possible by abortions, in this case specifically, aborted fetal cell lines. Others feel that the vaccine is a substance which will alter the design and function of their bodies. This is extremely downplayed in the media currently but will eventually come to surface as many workers are denied the accommodation of their sincerely held religious beliefs and are subsequently fired. Some employers are not offering a religious exemption to the vaccine and some of those that do are not honoring those exemptions legally nor constitutionally. Being given the choice between following God and putting food on the table is absolutely unconscionable. This is the one country in the world in which a Christian that believes it is contrary to their belief should never have to worry about being treated that way by their own employer and their own government. This is the only country in the world that was established on the basis of religious freedom! No coverage in the conservative media about this either!

Yes, the daily rush across the southern border was intentional. They are the future workforce of the Green New Deal, paid for in advance by yours truly, yours meaning you, your grandchildren and their grandchildren. They will build the gigantic infrastructure that will enable the government to follow your every move and micromanage your lifestyle until you no longer care about or remember what your most important values were. They will tame you into passive submission by layers of deceit and psychological coercion. They are also another guaranteed future democratic urban voting bloc! Why? Because they will be handed a turn key life complete with citizenship, guaranteed employment and housing, taken directly from the second stimulus bill. The granting of citizenship to any group of people who would not be loyal to the intended interpretation of our Constitution is by definition treason. The conservative media has been entirely AWOL on this !

Their plan is to create a socially acceptable false interpretation of the Constitution to guarantee the balance of power to the government by making the second amendment irrelevant, criminalizing the ownership of weapons that would threaten their confiscation of those rights and freedoms otherwise guaranteed to the governed. The majority of our young people have no idea what keeps them free, free to criticize their government, free to choose and exercise their religion, free to vote for opposing candidates, free to organize according to values, goals, and ambitions. All this, unbeknownst to them will severely dwindle in their life time.

The younger generations will not blame themselves. They will blame us who knew for not sounding the alarm, for not making a conscientious effort to communicate with them, for not caring enough and giving them enough credit to be able to make sense of what we would have told them.

What time is it today? Today it is our moment! Today it is the older generation’s moment! Today is not the time to merely criticize our decision makers. It is no longer the time to preach to our own kind. It is time to learn to speak directly to the younger generation and appeal to their self worth and intellect as opposed to their emotions. It is time to provide them with the real information they need to assess their real world in their best interests. They have to learn a new discipline very quickly: REALITY

Tomorrow it will be their moment! It will be time to put their name on petitions, to vote against the global establishment, to raise their voices in their institutions against socialist and Marxist politics and decision making, against fearmongering over inflated crises. They will have to educate their own kind about the layers of deception regarding free stuff. They will have to learn more carefully about local elections, about real people and their real intentions. They will have to learn how to establish their family values such that they are not preyed upon by the elites and their offers of free stuff and cool digital products from the Microsofts and Googles. They will have to become much more savvy about digital security, not being dependent on the government for it. They will have to become much more skill oriented and self reliant and at the same time, have more financial flexibility, including savings and investments as financial starters in their early adult years. They will have to be much less dependent on a single employer or income stream. They will have to fight to have more control over their private property such as to avoid being overtaxed and regulated.

Today, a number of conservative governors, senators, and state representatives are being overwhelmed by the measures they have to put into place to resist the crazy overreach of the federal government. They do this with great political and legal risk. If they knew they had the overwhelming support of our college age adults, they could act and delegate their initiatives much more effectively. Local government initiatives could be better investigated for deceptive and fraudulent use of taxpayer money. Tax paying city homeowners could be given much stronger representation against radical city councils.

Yes, they will have to invent more effective ways of expressing a genuine American patriotism. Just imagine if the illegal immigrants coming across the border and being flown in from Afghanistan realized how they are about to be used to make their new home a hell hole! It is this young generation of today that will have to learn how to express and impress on them that they have a short opportunity to save their own future and the future of this unique free country. How will these refugees feel when they realize that their dire situation was not the result of the intervention of the United States but rather the despotism of their own and/or other governments? This re-education will take hard work. Today’s legal and illegal immigrants must come to realize that they must not allow themselves to be obligated to merely work to keep a regime in power, but to establish their own prosperous future, starting and owning businesses and private property, and in that way more effectively determine the direction of their country. They must realize the tremendous opportunity they have to defend the genuine interpretation of our Constitution. They will have to be the ones to stop the federal government from commandeering and regulating entire industries and private property.

This effort will require taking back the original definitions of basic value words as racism, democracy, safety, investment, patriotism, hate, misinformation, etc. It will require explaining the actual agenda of diversity and inclusion, of equity and gender identity. It will require explaining world history and the failed economic and social policies of impoverished nations, such as sacrificing individual freedom for the sake of the ‘common good’. The masters of inciting group think will have to be exposed. It will require the explanation of the development of the free market in the United States and how it benefited the entire world. It will require the explanation of true fascism and the actual definition of nationalism. They will have to understand the difference between democracy and representative government. They will have to learn about the role of profit in the free market and the reality of wealth in the world. This will be no easy task. It will take well educated young adults to contribute their voices.

What time is it? It’s time that we realize that we have no time! The Biden administration has empowered radicals to transform all aspects of our lives at warp speed! Our schools are totally commandeered. Teachers that never signed up to be socialist activists are quitting, easily being replaced by those who want that role. Our cities are being commandeered to house illegal immigrants as we become indefinitely obligated to pay for their economic parity with legal citizens and their salaries. Entire city blocks are being re-developed to provide them turn key communities, integrated into legal citizenry within “mixed income” housing. Our hospitals are also being commandeered and micromanaged to the extent that any bedside doctor, nurse, or therapist can be independently functional within a few days upon being employed at another facility. Sadly, the art of medicine, the personalization of the medical staff toward the patient has all been eroded by increasingly robotic, algorithmic decision-making. Doctors are no longer aloud to practice according to their own best judgement.

Our highways are just now getting ready to allow government to regulate traffic and follow individual drivers. Our personal digital products are increasingly able to be surveilled by government agencies that have lost the trust of a significant portion of the population.

As government takes over the actual implementation of infrastructure, it is depriving the free market of its ability to evolve our industries and progress a healthy economy. Private entities can much better evolve more competitive industry while growing the economy and minimizing the cost of living. Just as a competitive worker learns more, works harder, and produces better results, private companies do the same as they invest their profits to develop better products and develop their employees more effectively. It is a fact of human nature that competition outperforms cooperation. Once the free market is sufficiently suffocated in the United States, the globalists will be able to much more effectively control the distribution of wealth around the world. This huge increase in our population could yet be the source of a boon of economic growth or it could continue under elitist control and produce an unprecedented and long lasting impoverishment of our entire country. The conservative media will not go there either!

We are indeed being challenged by an enormous global beast! Its time to face reality and fight back effectively for the sake of the freedom of our future generations!

One thought on “Have Our Conservative Politicians and Pundits Lost Their Curiosity?”

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